We compiled a list of our frequently-asked questions regarding launching your work on Topcoder. Please reach out to hello@topcoder.com for further information - we'd love to help!
What type of work can be done via the challenge format?
Our global talent base is comprised of a wide array of expertise spanning AI, data science, design, development, and QA. The ideal work size is an individual task - however, we can help break down larger work requests (contact us at hello@topcoder.com for more information).
Can I add files to my work?
Yes! Data can be shared either via a zip file or through a repo link (if the file is too large) to our members.
Once my work is launched, can I make any changes?
Changes can be made to your work, such as editing the description or changing the timeline, before Topcoder members register. Once your work has registrants, changes are unable to be made. Contact hello@topcoder.com / your Customer Success Manager if you need help with your work task.
How should I determine the ideal timeline to run my work?
In general, the larger the scope the longer you'll want to give Topcoder's members to work on your solution. If a task would be estimated to take 10-15 hours of work, we'd recommend running your work for a business (Monday - Friday) week. Keep in mind that most of our talent base works outside of Topcoder, so a good rule of thumb is to estimate that members could spend 2-4 hours a day on your work and create a timeline from there.
Can my work timeline be extended after launch?
Our platform does not allow for work changes once members have registered. This is to ensure all members have equal opportunity. If you are not receiving submissions, please connect with your Customer Success Manager at hello@topcoder.com for assistance.
Can a customer cancel their work task after launching?
If no members have registered, yes. Your work will move back to your draft board. Once a task has registrants, please connect with your Customer Success Manager for any issues you're facing.
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